This year, Columbine has started a VEX IQ Robotics Team! 24 students meet weekly to design, build, and utilize their coorperation and problem solving skills to construct a robot. After completing their robots, we will participate in several events this season.
- November 14th @ Timberline PK-8
- December 12th @ The Longmont Museum
- January 30th @ Fall River Elementary
Columbine has 6 teams this year:
- The Falcons
- The Burning Sharks
- The R2-D2s
- The Robo Rangers
- The Diamond Robots
- The Cheetah Men
At these events, students will work cooperatively with another team to complete the Bank Shot game. The teams work together to earn the highest amount points by removing game balls from their positions, putting game balls over the fence, or shooting them into the goal. Columbine students are very excited to be apart of this new team! Come and check out their competitions to learn more about VEX IQ Robotics, and cheer us on!