Columbine Cougars are part of a community that explores science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) as a preschool through fifth-grade neighborhood school. Columbine Cougars incorporate technology and inquiry-based design thinking into daily lessons. Rigorous instruction supports student achievement in all subjects and prepares students for 21st-century learning. The Columbine Cougar staff fosters positive relationships with students and parents, which has developed a strong sense of community throughout the school. Columbine Cougars enjoy a variety of extracurricular activities that foster meaningful relationships, academic achievement, and individual pride for students.
We selected science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) as our school focus because the world is rapidly changing due to the discovery of new science technology and its applications. We prepare students for a future where innovation, communication, collaboration, global competency, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills are essential.
Because technology and science change so quickly, we work to prepare students for jobs that do not exist yet, and teach students how to identify and solve problems as they arise. To be globally competitive, we need the next generation prepared to step into STEM careers. STEM exposes students to the engineering process, design thinking, and problem-solving while using the most current technology available with the outcome of shaping students to be innovative problem solvers who can analyze and design.
Cougar of the Trimester Awards are held near the end of the trimester. This award is given to students who follow our Columbine Pledge and are Respectful, Responsible, Rigorous, Caring, and Safe. Each student will receive a Columbine of the Trimester Certificate and some small celebratory treats. We will invite families to join us for a special ceremony where we celebrate our fantastic Cougars!