Clubs and Activities

Before and After-School

All students are encouraged to participate in the 100 Mile Club. Students have a common goal of walking or running 100 miles during the school year. Students receive milestone incentives along the way to keep them motivated. Students who reach 100 miles receive a gold medal at the end-of-the-year Medal Ceremony. The 100 Mile Club is possible through a Physical Activity Grant awarded to SVVSD. Lace up your sneakers and join in the fun! Contact: Mr. Thurman [email protected]

Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA), is an after-school program focused on providing additional in-person instructional support and enrichment in language arts, math, and STEM for our elementary students. Classes meet two or three days a week. Contact: Mr. Montes [email protected]

Columbine’s Dance Club runs for 6 sessions of dance! Students spend one week practicing each of the following styles: hip hop, jazz, pom, ballet, and contemporary. Contact: Ms. Condray, [email protected]

The Columbine Green Team is an after-school group of students committed to creating a more eco-friendly school environment. Working with Boulder County Eco-Cycle, this group studies energy efficiency, recycling and composting strategies, and looks for ways to reduce our carbon footprint at Columbine!

Students from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade are invited to participate. 

Learn Spanish!

Spanish Literacy

Contact: Mrs. Schroeder at [email protected]

Four robotics students show off big smiles with their robot design.
Columbine Elementary School